SoftLayer operates a global cloud infrastructure platform built for Internet scale. Headquartered in Dallas and with an infrastructure spanning data centers in the United States, Asia and Europe, SoftLayer’s unified architecture provides unparalleled performance and control, with a full-featured API andsophisticated automation controlling a flexible platform that seamlessly integrates

DALLAS—August 4, 2010—SoftLayer Technologies®, the innovative on-demand data center services provider, today announced a transaction in which its management team and GI Partners, a private trans-Atlantic investment firm, have acquired all of the equity in SoftLayer. 소프트레이어 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전 2020-7-5 · 소프트레이어 테크놀로지스(SoftLayer Technologies, Inc.)는 데디케이티드 서버, 매니지드 호스팅, 클라우드 컴퓨팅 제공자의 하나로서, 2005년에 설립되었고 2013년 IBM에 의해 인수되었다. 역사 GI 파트너스는 2010년 8월 소프트레이어의 대부분의 지분을 인수했다. Global Partners - IBM and Citrix Hypervisor - … 2020-5-3 · Hosted desktop virtualization solutions with SoftLayer, an IBM company With the acquisition of SoftLayer Technologies, IBM reaffirmed its commitment to helping clients successfully integrate cloud computing, merging it with existing IBM SmartCloud offerings in a

IBM Steps Up Investment In SoftLayer Cloud Partners. IBM says it will boost margins on monthly recurring sales, dedicate more money to co-marketing funds, and expand training opportunities for

2015-1-27 · IBM的SoftLayer IaaS提供了低成本的网络和免费的技术支持,此举让部分客户远离AWS。 相关报导称,IBM将重组以重新聚焦其云计算战略,密切关注该公司目前的云产品是如何与其最大竞争对手(AWS)展开竞争是非常值得的。 SoftLayer — Wikipédia 2020-7-14 · SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. ou SoftLayer est une société de cloud computing américaine [1] fondée en 2005, et rachetée par IBM en 2013 [2].C'est actuellement une division d'IBM chargée du IaaS.. En octobre 2014, IBM annonce avoir ouvert un datacenter en France, en région parisienne [3], [4].. Histoire. GI Partners a acheté une majorité des actions de SoftLayer en août 2010 [5].

IBM收购云计算公司SoftLayer 金额约20亿美 …

2013-6-4 · SoftLayer Technologies总部位于德州达拉斯(Dallas),是一家私人控股公司,主要持股人为加州私募股权基金GI Partners。 公司在美国、新加坡和荷兰设有13个